Software Development with Flutter (IUT)

Published at Thu Aug 05 2021

Flutter is an open-source Software Development Kit created by Google to build Android, iOS, web, and desktop apps. Flutter is the leading market player when it comes to rapid development and there is a huge demand in the industry for flutter developers.IEEE Robotics & Automation Society, IUT Student Branch Chapter & IEEE IUT Student Branch is jointly organizing a 3-days long workshop on Software Development with Flutter. The attendees will able to learn the fundamentals of flutter and make around 2-3 apps that they can not just run on their mobiles but also share with friends and family.

****************FREE EVENT FOR ALL. NO REG FEE REQUIRED****************

Instructor Details:

MD Al Imran Sefat ● Software QA Engineer at Enosis Solutions ● Freelance Flutter Developer and Instructor ● Full Stack Web Developer and Firebase Expert ● General Secretary of IEEE BRACU Student Branch ● Brand Ambassador of IEEE

Day 1

Difficulty: Beginner Content: Introduction to Flutter and Design AnalysisTopics • Basic introduction of flutter • I thought Dart is just a game • Why would you use it? • Installation of IDEs and Flutter • Widget, widget, and widget • What is Hot reload? • UI components • Project structure breakdown

Day 2

Difficulty: Beginner Content: Complex User Interface StructuresTopics • Complex UI and UX designs • App designing 101 • UI Design Analysis • Styling Flutter Components • Component Management • Design to App • State? What’s that? • Basic day to day widgets

Day 3

Difficulty: Moderate Content: Asynchronous App DevelopmentTopics • API • Asynchronous App Development • Handling APIs • Animations • Creating the data model from scratch for the API • Making the whole app from scratch using the created Data model.Benefits:1) Learn basic App Development2) UI Concepts3) Certificate of Participation for attending in all 3 days4) Certificate of Achievement on sharing public post of small video of the developed app with #ieeeiut #iutras #codingWithImran5) Best 3 videos will be posted on the official Facebook Page of IEEE IUT Student Branch & IEEE Robotics & Automation Society, IUT Student Chapter. Complete your registration here: Contact if necessary:IEEE IUT Student Branch’s Official Page ( IEEE Robotics & Automation Society, IUT Student Branch Chapter ( #ieeeiutsb #ieeeiutras 

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