Operation Phoenix

Published at Sun Jul 04 2021

I have decided to guide 50 students for free to boost up their careers and land a job in the tech industry. There will be weekly meet sessions and sometimes get-togethers. Basically, we'll be boosting up our career together as a Team.

There are some requirements obviously.

Requirements 1. You're currently pursuing your bachelor's degree in CS/CSE/ SWE (Software Engineer).

2. You will have to show up with what you have done in the last week and what you will do in the following week.

3. If you cannot show updates or be absent on 2 consecutive weekly meetings you will be removed from the list and group.

4. If you are removed from the group or our private network and want to join again you will have to show promising works.

5. I will guide you for literally no money or whatsoever so if you cannot cope up then DO NOT BOTHER TO JOIN !! 6. If you are consistent then you will get job offers, project works, etc. ONLY if you are consistent.

7. You will have to be passionate about what you do.

8. You will have to update your resume every 2 months with the tasks that you have done.

If you think about yourself like this: "বাপ মার ইচ্ছা তাই ইঞ্জিনিয়ারিং এ আসছি আমি, নিজের ভাল্লাগে না আসলে" then do not bother to waste my time and give the chance to another student.

I work 5 days ( 8.5 hours per day ) a week at Enosis Solutions and then study, thesis, teach at my academia, etc.

I humbly request you NOT to join if you can not fulfill the above requirements and waste my time.

Fill up the google form to join: https://forms.gle/C7Uq7rtYAgqTZg387

Connect with Me

I would love to collaborate with you in a Software Engineering project. Just give me a message in my inbox.

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